Everyone says…
I enthusiastically encourage feedback before and after every single ceremony that I officiate.
Input is so very important during the preparation phase to ensure that the ceremony content remains accurate, appropriate and entirely consistent with your wishes.
After all, there’s only one chance to get in right on the day.
After the event, I additionally undertake an online survey.
The answers I have received to the multiple-choice questions have been 100% unanimous…
To the question “What is your level of satisfaction with my overall services?”: 100% answered “Extremely happy”
(The other multiple-choice options were “Fairly happy”, “Neither happy nor unhappy”, “Fairly unhappy” and “Extremely unhappy”)
To the question “What is your opinion of the price for my service?”: 100% answered either “Fair” or “Cheap”
(The other multiple-choice option was “Expensive”)
To the question “Would you recommend my services to friends and colleagues in need of celebrancy services?”: 100% answered “Yes”
(The other multiple-choice option was “No”)
You can also read various comments and ratings submitted to Google reviews here.